June 10, 2015

Dinosaur Math v2.1

Requirements: 2.3 and up
Overview: Little Mia Maximo, an Italian girl from Rome has found herself caught up in this story whilst sailing her yacht around the world,
which was beached on an island in the Bermuda Triangle after a storm. This island is not marked on Mia's navigation charts, something is not quite right, it looks more like an alien dinosaur sanctuary!
Can you help her collect the correct Number-Cubes which contain fuel to power a flying saucer, so she can get back to Rome, her family and her pet tortoises.
Beware, entering the wrong Number-Cubes onto the spinny-things in the control room might cause a quantum-paralex error to occur in Robot-Girl's Neural-Network brain, and she may just activate the Dinosaur Elevator and release a hungry dinosaur into the sanctuary.


-Find and enter the control room.
-Robot Girl will give you a multiplication sum on the large screen.
-Work out the answer to the sum and the number-cubes you require to enter onto the spinny-things for fuelling the flying saucer.
-Leave the control room and search the island for the active number-cube generator, which will be emitting number-cubes, you will know it, when you see it.
-Pick up the number-cubes you need, (you can carry 6 number cubes at once), but you must be quick because they don't last very long floating on their own. Use the pick-up button to pick-up the cubes.
-Carry the number-cubes back to the control room and put them on the spinny things, stand on the pad facing the correct spinny-thing and press the place button. From right to left spinny-things are Units, 10's,100's,1000's,10 000's,100 000's. Obviously number-cubes will automatically synchronise with spinny things so you don't need to worry about manually calibrating the anti-gravitational flux fields.
-Happy in the knowledge you have the right number-cubes synchronised with their respective spinny-things, proceed up the ramp onto the raised platform in the centre of the control room and stand on the Enter-Pad. The Enter-Pad will spring into life with yellow lights and the cubes will enter onto the spinny-things.
-Notice that the fuel bar now shows you have some fuel. Repeat the previous steps until your fuel level reaches 100.
-You can now find the flying saucer which will be emitting a tractor-beam. Stand in it, (but the UFO might be going to a Mothership not Rome).
-Try not to get eaten as well.

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